This challenging and rewarding consultancy delivered a design for a Bespoke Nature Play area within the school grounds that was compliant with AS/NZ Standards and met community expectations. As the encumbent Landscape Architecture Consultant for the concurrent school upgrade we were able to integrate the design within existing delivery constraints for general landscaping, seating areas, half court area and compensatory planting for tree removal to construct new school buildings.

During the consultancy we informed, consuilted, involved and collaborated to provide guidance for stakeholders to identify the schools, childrens and communities needs in this space. This led to the management and documentation of the consultation process and rerquired reporting.

To raise awareness and to facilitate engagement and funding a fly through was provided.

Once the School, Parents and Citizens and Community had resolved on a preferred concept detailed plans were provided for tender.

CLIENT: The NSW Department of Education and Bangalow Public School Parents and Citizens Association.