2022 -
“During Covid I not only had the good fortune to discover and join the Coraki Golf Club and in dong so becoming a golf tragic, but also had the opportunity to develop a Masterplan for the Club.” Mark Perkins RLA.
The clubs primary assetts are the members and the community. The masterplan is a fluid document that expresses the ongoing needs and aspirations of the club. The Masterplan has supported succesful grant applications for course and infrstructure upgrades to the value 0f $500,000.
-Create a safe and inviting space that provides for biodiversity and habitat and imprioves the water quality of the watershed.
-Provide for a course layout that is not intimidating for a beginner or high handicapper and can also challenge the low handicapper.
-Provide infrastructure that can be a refuge for Community during natural disasters (as occurred during the historicaly high flooding of 2022)
-Provide infrastructure that provides opportunity for community and corporate functions.
The Master Plan allows the board to develop a plan of Management. It becomes a dynamic asset that the board and members can pass on to future members.
CLIENT: Coraki Golf Club.